Fandom Fett
I'm not sure any Star Wars character has a stronger cult following than Boba Fett. Darth Vader is probably the most iconic character, and many people profess to be fans of main characters like Han Solo and Obi-Wan, but from costumes, to apparel, to figures, to random merchandise, Fett seems to be king. Why do so many like the bounty hunter so much? Is it the cool look and gadgetry he wears? Is it the mystery behind the mask? It's not like he has many lines, and he never really kicked butt in confrontations. In fact it didn't take much to kill him off. But whatever the reason may be, fans love for the character is undeniable. He is the face of the Star Wars underworld of smugglers, bounty hunters, assassins, and other unsavory denizens. more
Posted by Chris on 6/3/2011
Project "Spacebook": Introduction
Now that the tools have been created for the ultimate social network, there remains one thing to discuss. And that thing is art. People use tools to express themselves though various forms of art. Communication is an important driving force behind the social network concept, but the desire to create new data is more powerful than the desire to transfer old data. Most popular websites give users a fair amount of flexibility to communicate, but not many give them opportunity to not only create things, but give them a forum to share their creations easily. The final piece that the ultimate social network needs, is passionate users. And in my opinion there aren't many web writers, artists, and musicians more passionate than fans of the Star Wars franchise. Thus the ultimate social networks potential to host the most inclusive and productive fan community on the internet will demonstrate it's flexibility. The following is an outline for a Star Wars fansite within the ultimate social network. more
Posted by Chris on 6/3/2011
What The Prequels Mean To Me
I saw the Original Trilogy as a four year old a few years before the special editions were released. I never saw the originals when they were re-released, but I loved watching them on VHS and playing with the toys. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw a trailer for Episode I a few years later. I quickly went out and found out as much as I could about the movie before it was released. I read the junior novel and bought all the younger picture books. For some reason, I remember thinking that Qui-Gon was Anakin’s father at first. I was so eager for the new toys, that I turned everything I could into an Episode I character. I remember pretending that a green marble was Qui-Gon, a blue one was Obi-Wan, and a red one was Maul. I even made a paper OOM-9 battle droid commander action figure with magic markers. Haha, after pretending that badminton rackets were lightsabers for a few months, I was ecstatic that day I walked into the store and saw hundreds of new action figures on a wall with their yellow Darth Maul eyes staring at me more
Posted by Chris on 6/2/2011
How To Make Cool Star Wars Wallpaper
I have been having lots of fun making some Clone Wars character wallpaper for you guys, and have been getting lots of positive feedback. So I thought I would take some time to describe the process I use to make the wallpaper, and provide some resources if you are interested and trying it out yourself. more
Posted by Chris on 5/26/2011
Clone Wars Episodes: What Works and What Doesn't
Since its inception in 2008, no animated series -and possibly no TV series of any sort- has captured the imagination and fueled the creativity of its fans like Cartoon Network's Star Wars: the Clone Wars. Yet while a rising generation of younger fans have consumed the show with almost blind appreciation and bewilderment, older fans tend to measure the quality of every episode against their own previous entertainment experiences. Most of all, viewers brought to the series through its vast source material, which includes a widely popular six movie saga, several prior TV series, and countless novels, video games, and comic books, have compared the Clone Wars with these beloved sources. Some of the elements that these serious Star Wars fans look for in every episode are exotic fantasy locals, compelling and "cool" characters, mind-blowing action sequences, epic music, and relevant plots and dialog that tie into other Star Wars media. Based on my own fandom and expectations and the knowledge that I have gathered from other fans like me, I will attempt to outline the elements that contribute most greatly to the overall quality and popularity of an episode of the Clone Wars. more
Posted by Chris on 4/10/2011
The Timeline of the Clone Wars TV Series
There has been some general confusion about the tumultuous timeline of the recent Clone Wars episodes. This is mostly due to the season 3 premiere episodes that bookended a season 1 episode and a recent episode that swapped the order of the previous 2 season’s finale episodes. The proliferation of out of sequence episodes in season 3 has caused the fan community to clamor for an official Lucasfilm approved timeline. However I believe the writers have left enough clues for us fans to sort the timeline out ourselves, and this blog post is my attempt to do so. more
Posted by Chris on 4/10/2011
An Editorial on Perception
A few days ago it was announced that the six movies in the Star Wars saga are going to be re-released theatrically in a 3-D format in 2012. The first movie to be released will be Episode I: the Phantom Menace. After that the five other movies will most likely be released one per year ending in 2017. The dates are new and the first official confirmation took place this week, but the notion of Star Wars in 3-D has been floating around rumor sites and speculative media for years. A 3-D release was one of the major expected announcements at the Star Wars: Celebration 5 convention in Orlando this past summer. However, instead fans of the franchise were treated to the announcement that the saga would be released on Blu-Ray disc in 2011. more
Posted by Chris on 4/10/2011